Two Day Ranch Clinic
May 3rd and 4th
Arrive by 9 ready to ride by 10
Cost: $225/day $325 for the weekend
Stalls: 50$ weekend bring your own bedding (limited)
Auditors Welcome: $30/ person
Reserve your spot as soon as possible, limited to 12 riders this will be first come first served. $125.00 to reserve by 4/15 send check to:
Tammy Lickliter @ 15 South Valley Rd. Xenia, Ohio 45385
For stall reservations or related questions contact:
Erica Wallace 765.413.5705
This clinic is for riders who want to improve their dry ranch events from both a judge and a trainers viewpoint. We will start with mental preperation excercises and progress thru the rail work and where you horse looks its best. After lunch we will do poles, patterns and horsemanship. Day two will be more pattern work followed by ranch trail obstacles. During lunch we will review equipment, rules and fashion!
PLEASE BRING: CHAIR, LUNCH, BEVERAGES, WATER BUCKET, HAY BAG (hay bags not needed for those renting stalls)
About Tammy Lickliter
Early Life
Born and raised in Southwestern Ohio, Tammy Lickliter was born a third-generation horseman. A pony had been procured before she was born. Even her date of birth 1/1 was a sign that horses were to be in her future as they would share a birthday for life. Tammy broke her first colt at age 13. By age 15 she was teaching seniors equitation at the riding stable to earn her jumping lessons.
Tammy pursued higher education at The University of Findlay, earning a degree in Equine Science. During this time, she competed on the judging team and was placed top 25 Individual’s competition at the AQHA World Show.
Professional Career
After graduation, Tammy began a professional journey that would includevarious roles in the equine industry, initially starting out as a colt breakerat Hidden Valley Ranch for Bob Evans. In 1986 Tammy began her judging career and started Millennium Quarters LLC which grew to be a training and breeding operation spanning nearly 40 years (1986 – present).
Throughout her career, Tammy has achieved numerous milestones. Some of the most notable include:
• Raising multiple AQHA, NSBA, ABRA World Champions
• Judging National events such as Reichert Celebration, All American Buckskin Congress, POAC Congress, All American Youth Show and numerous regional events for NSBA, IBHA, ABRA, POAC
*Additionally Tammy remains successful competing at AQHA, NSBA, IBHA and most recently ARHA events earning nearly 200 points on a handful of horses in 2024. Tammy has shown horses her entire lifetime in a variety of classes including halter, hunter under saddle, hunter over fences, western pleasure, trail, Ranch Riding, Ranch Rail, Ranch Trail, Conformation and Reining.
In summary, Tammy Lickliter's life and career have been devoted to the Equine Industry always keeping the Equine First and sharing a lifetime of knowledge with others. Today she continues to share her passion thru her lesson program and the Annual Clinic Series that she offers.